Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well, here I go!

My daughter cannot believe that I am a blogger. Frankly, neither can I. I really didn/t understand blogs until recently. I've beern asking for a year to everyone who would listen what is a twitter? I now have one of those too. The twitter is for business, and I still am not sure what good it does except to put your business out into some sort of ciber place. My trusted advisor at, James, assures me it will be productive and I believe him.

I think I will like the blog better. I can say more, good or bad!?!? and I can get photos on easily.
So if you get onto this, family and friends, you need ot know that I sometimes do not correct typos. One friend says that my emails are like puzzels. She has a fun time tryijg to figure out what I was trying to say. AND...even though I am a bonafide, certified English teacher, I have a hard time with spelling. I never had phonics. When I was just married, my mother=in=law gavr me THE BAD SPELLER'S DICTIONERY". I didn't know whether to laugh or be offended. I laughed,,and then I used it alot! You simply look up a word the way you THINK it is spelled, most often wrong, and there it is..spelled like you thought and the correct spelling! Just brilliant.

I would take the time to look up words, but it just gets in the way of my thoughts. I son't know if I have spell check on this blog, but I will look for all of your sakes. Otherwise, think of it as a word sudoku or something.

I hope you respond. NOt sure how you do that yet, but I will learn. I hope to have sojme interesting things on here.



  1. Hi Jane,
    Love your new blog. You are a true social networker...blogging & twittering too! Wow! You will like Twitter too after you've been using it a while :) Isn't James the best?
    Lisa Johnston

  2. I am really confused. I can't even find out how to post. Well, before that, I couldn't find how to get here! That only took 20 minutes. And even now, I am not sure I am posting on my blogg. Maybe I'm too old.
